The Awards Program

501: The Awards Program consists of special achievement awards, available to all member bowlers.

502: There are four levels of awards, based on pins over the bowler’s average. You must consult the Awards Chart, to determine what award has been won.

503: The Awards Chart lists scores needed by average for game and set awards.

504A: In Leagues, all averages must be based on 21 or more games. If less than 21 games in current season, then last year’s average applies.

504B: Awards being given for games and sets in tournaments and non-league events, the average used for these awards will be based on the average that is used in that event.

505: SENIOR CITIZEN AWARDS – To qualify for the Bronze and Silver awards, senior citizen’s pinfall is reduced by 10 pins for game awards and by 30 pins for set awards. This does not apply for the Gold award.

506: Special Awards are for special achievements. It is not necessary to use the Awards Chart.


  • Special Award Plaque

    Gold Award (choice of one)

    Available for high performance in a game or set, but not both. Award is based on pins over average as listed in the awards chart. Bowler completes award application and puts his/her complete address on back. Secretary signs and sends Application to the Congress. Award is sent to the local association for presentation to the bowler. In areas where no local association exists, the award is sent to the league secretary for presentation.

    Only one Gold Award may be given to a bowler during his/her career. If an additional Gold Award is earned during a subsequent season, a Special Award Plaque will be presented to the bowler.

    View Application

  • Special Award Plaque

    Special Award Plaque

    Only one Gold Award may be given to a bowler during his/her career. If an additional Gold Award is earned during a subsequent season, a Special Award Plaque will be presented. Bowler completes the Application and the secretary sends the Application and Tally Form to the Congress. The plaque will be presented like all Gold Awards.

    View Application

  • Silver Award

    Silver Award

    The luggage tag or black onyx pin is available for high performance in a game or set, but not both. Award is based on pins over average as listed in the awards chart. Bowler completes Award Application. Secretary sends application and Tally Form to the Congress to receive the award.

    View Application

  • Bronze Award

    Bronze Award

    The Diffy Pin is available for high performance in a game or set. Award is based on pins over average as listed in the awards chart. League secretaries will receive the award and present it to the bowler.

    View Application

  • Brass Award

    Brass Award

    The Luggage Tag is available for high performance in a game or set. Award is based on pins over average as listed in the awards chart. League secretaries will receive the award and present it to the bowler.

    View Application

Special Awards & Emblems

All Special Awards or Emblems are based on special achievements. The Bowler should fill in the Award Application which is available on this page or from the league secretary. The secretary will send the Application with the Tally Form to the Congress. The Congress will return the emblem or award to the secretary for proper presentation.

  • 5-7-10 Split Award

    5-7-10 Split Award

    Available on a Spare Conversion Only.

    View Application

  • 7-10 Split Award

    7-10 Split Award

    Available on a Spare Conversion Only.

    View Application

  • All Mark Game Award

    All Mark Game Award


    View Application

  • Triplicate Game Award

    Triplicate Game Award

    Available to bowlers rolling 3 consecutive games, with the same score in the same set, and each score must be at the bowler's current average or above.

    View Application

End of Season Awards

The End of Season Awards are sent to each league secretary for distribution at the end of the bowling season.

  • League Champion

    League Champion Award
  • Most Improved Bowler

    Most Improved Bowler Award

In an all male or all female league, the secretary receives one award for the League's most improved bowler. In a mixed league, the secretary receives two awards, one each for the most improved male and female bowlers.

SELECTION OF THE MOST IMPROVED BOWLER: In order to qualify, the bowler must have bowled in the same league the current bowling season and last year's bowling season. The award is based on the increase in the bowler's current league average over the previous season's average.