The National Duckpin Bowling Congress will maintain a permanent listing of World Records. A new world record may be established for a block/set or games not previously recognized by Congress, upon application as cited in WR-8.
Bowlers must be current members of the Congress in order to qualify for recognition. Their scores must be rolled on certified lanes in a sanctioned event or league in conformance with requirements of the Congress.
All continuous game records must be rolled in one event, not necessarily confined to the same day, but consecutively in the same event. Proper advance publicity must be given to such an event with the dates on which parts of the event are to be rolled and the schedule must be followed rigorously.
In special advertised events and regular events, the following records are always at stake:
No league games, sets or scores, either individual or team, will be recognized as records unless rolled in a sanctioned/member league. No cumulative league sets/scores, rolled in league play, will be recognized for records except for the following:
Handicap shall not be credited or included in the establishment of any record at any time.
No local, sectional or national record score for a mixed team will be accepted, unless the team is composed of three men and two women or two men and three women on a 5-member team; two men and two women on a 4-member team; two men and one woman or one man and two women on a 3-member team; one man and one woman on a doubles team.
If a world record is established or broken, notification must be given to the Executive Director of the Congress (executivedirector@ndbc.org) within 48 hours. It must be followed up with written notification no later than 10 days after the world record is rolled. That notification must include:
As soon as the original notification is received, the Congress shall within one day (if possible) have the lanes and pins inspected by a Congress lane inspector. The lanes and pins must be inspected in order for the world record to be recognized.
A new world record may be established for a block/set or games not previously recognized by Congress, upon application as cited above.
Season Average Requirements
For any individual or team average to qualify for a world record, each person must bowl at least 48 games in that league or 2/3rds of the games in that league, whichever is greater.
Revised 11/19/2022
Individual, Doubles, Triples, Team of Four, and Team of Five
Individual, Doubles, Triples, Team of Four, and Team of Five
Doubles, Triples, Team of Four, and Team of Five and Miscellaneous Records